来源于:   时间:2017-04-05   浏览:675次
China Tianjin International Fair for Investment and Trade & PECC Exposition
Tianjin is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of China, and it has been a major seaport and gateway to the nation's capital Beijing, 75 miles (120 kilometers) away. The city has an area of 11,900 square kilometers and a population of more than 15 million. As an important economic center in the Bohai Economic Rim region and a city with profound cultural background, Tianjin enjoys exceptional advantages in location as well as industrial and talent advantages, and it has witnessed the flourishing of economy and society. The city is ushering in a new round of rapid development as it meets a series of important strategic opportunities such as the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) region, the Belt & Road Initiative as well as the development and opening up of Tianjin Free Trade Zone, the National Demonstration Zone of Independent Innovation and Tianjin Binhai New Area. Tianjin is making strides toward the goal of building a northern economic center, an international port city and an eco-city.
China Tianjin International Fair for Investment and Trade & PECC Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “the Fair”) has been successfully held for 24 sessions. The Fair attracts not only domestic enterprises from provinces and cities of China, but also enterprises as well as economic and trade institutions from dozens of countries and regions. It has become a grand gathering for cooperation of all participants, an important vehicle to attract investments and strengthen regional cooperation and a vital window to markets in Northeast Asia and the world.
The 2018 Fair, co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and China General Chamber of Commerce, will be held in the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center from April 13 to 17. Themed on "Innovation and Cooperation for Win-win Development", the Fair highlights the development concept of innovation, coordination, openness and sharing, and focuses on the coordinated development of the Jing-Jin-Ji region, international trade and economic cooperation, investment promotion, structural optimization, sci-tech progress, merchandise trade as well as innovation and entrepreneurship. The Fair will display new achievements, large projects, famous brands and popular folk items. Taking the Fair as a platform and bridge, Tianjin will strive to achieve new breakthroughs in regional cooperation, attracting investment, innovation and entrepreneurship, and merchandise trade.
本届展会总展览面积 6 万平方米,设3100 个国际标准展位,以招商引资、商品交易和人才交流三大板块为重点,设置国际、国内省市、大企业以及进口商品、跨境电商、老字号名品、电子商务、现代物流、日用消费品、商业地产等众多专业展区。
This Fair covers an area of 60,000 square meters with 3,100 international-standard booths. It focuses on three aspects—investment promotion, merchandise trade and talent exchange, and includes international pavilion, domestic pavilion, large enterprise pavilion as well as specialized pavilions for import commodities, cross-border e-commerce, time-honored brand products, electronic commerce, modern logistics, consumer goods and real estate.
l  招商引资板块
Investment Promotion
The Investment Promotion Exhibition in the Meijiang Main Exhibition Hall is divided into three major parts: International, Domestic and Tianjin. The Exhibition specifically includes pavilions for provinces and cities, central enterprises, green industry, commerce and tourism, international investment, foreign trade, e-commerce, service outsourcing, modern industry, technological Innovation, urban construction, agricultural development, Tianjin Binhai New Area, and Central Urban Area. This Exhibition serves as an efficient and convenient platform for domestic and foreign exhibitors and merchants to carry out investment and financing negotiations, projects investment, technical cooperation and image demonstration.
● Merchandise Trade
 The Merchandise Trade Exhibition in the Meijiang Main Exhibition Hall includes pavilions for furniture, handicrafts, imported goods, consumer goods, featured commodities across the country as well as cruise and yacht. The Exhibition displays more than 100 kinds of products, totally 10,000. It provides a platform for domestic and foreign producers, purchasers and traders to expand trade channels and explore new space for cooperation.
● 人才交流板块
● Talent Exchange
The Talent Exchange Exhibition is set up in the sub exhibition hall in Tianjin Human Resources Development and Promotion Center, which focuses on the introduction and exchange of senior talents at home and abroad and the recruitment of enterprises.
 About 40 major conferences and meetings will be held during the Fair, involving various types of projects investment, investment promotion, policy dissemination as well as high-level economic, trade and cultural forums.
We sincerely welcome enterprises at home and abroad to this grand meeting and to usher in win-win development together.
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